Create the Future you Want Through Gratitude

Successful entrepreneurs think big, see possibilities everywhere and are willing to take a leap of faith. So, why is it that people with corporate jobs who dream of being entrepreneurs find this positive attitude so difficult to duplicate? I believe it comes down to the highly controlled environment most of you work in:

  • You are responsible for this, but that belongs to someone else.
  • You have limited resources at your disposal, and you are rewarded for doing more with less.
  • Your ability to make money is constrained by the HR department’s salary bands, regardless of your contribution to the organization.
  • You can’t choose the equipment or vendors you want since they are selected by faceless departments such as procurement or IT.

All this adds up to one thing. To survive and thrive in a corporate office, you’ve had to develop a scarcity mindset that is diametrically opposed to the attitude you need as an entrepreneur.

In “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” author Stephen Covey coined the term “abundance mindset” for the attitude of entrepreneurs. It is the belief that there are enough resources and opportunities for everyone to be successful. By cultivating this kind of positive outlook, you’ll boost your chances of happiness and living your dream life.

However, making the transition from seeing scarcity everywhere to believing that anything is possible is one of the most challenging transition points for people stepping away from their corporate jobs. The most direct path to turning your limiting self-talk into an abundance mindset is the expression of gratitude.

Using Gratitude to Develop an Abundance Mindset 

Practicing gratitude is something many Americans do once a year at Thanksgiving. But, when you make an effort to turn gratitude into a daily practice, you can rewire your neural pathways and develop the mindset you need to be a successful entrepreneur.

“Be thankful for what you have. You’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey

Giving and receiving thanks triggers the reward centers of your brain, where your neurotransmitters secrete the “feel good” hormones serotonin and dopamine. In addition, these powerful hormones reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.

Every time you practice gratitude, you’ll reinforce the neural pathways that produce a positive emotional response and the enthusiasm and energy to work toward your goals.

Ideas for Practicing Gratitude

  • Make a list of the things you are thankful for.
  • Pay compliments to yourself and others.
  • Look for opportunities to say “thank you” and send thank you notes.
  • Keep a gratitude journal.

Why not start practicing gratitude right now? Write a list of all the things you are thankful for and find a reason to say “thank you” to as many people as possible today.


David Busker is the Founder of FranchiseVision and a senior franchise consultant with FranChoice, the premier national network of franchise consultants. David helps candidates exploring franchise ownership to set their criteria and matches them with the perfect franchise, then supports and guides them through due diligence and franchise signing. You can learn more about David at FranchiseVision.


