What Makes a Franchisee Successful?

What Makes a Franchisee Successful?

Greetings!   What makes a franchisee successful? I asked a friend of mine for her thoughts as someone who has been in franchising for 25 years. She replied, “It is like anything in life, selection! Whether sourcing the freshest ingredients for a delicious meal,...
Can I Qualify For a Franchise?

Can I Qualify For a Franchise?

Although it may not be immediately evident, a franchise company is under no obligation to award a franchise to just anyone who can afford the franchise fee. Like any good business, a franchise company will want to populate their system with great people. Since...
Do You Trust the Stock Market?

Do You Trust the Stock Market?

Do you trust the stock market? The stock market is now up by around 16% this year. Last year, the market lost around 5%. Is there any rhyme or reason to the market? Is the market a safe place to invest your hard earned money? Investing in the right franchise business...